Yep, we are fiesty! we are strong, passionate, intelligent, caring, and dedicated! We will stand firm in what we believe in!
As for today, I am still reading blogs and staying in because we got a nice dose of snow last night. My chickens are huddled under their coop and once in a while will venture into the snow, only to run back under there! lol I love those girls ♥
My children are home from school and they are listening to Queen's "We Will Rock You" ☺
I've heard it 5 times already...geesh, pick another song already! I keep checking outside to see if my new coffee can birdhouse is attracting any takers yet...haha. I don't think so, but it's still early. Hopefully we'll have a new bird family in there soon!
Tomorrow, I think I will go antiquing. Just to look (yeah right). I need a cabinet for my new bathroom downstairs and I'm looking for something to refinish. I can never just go out and buy something that's finished already. It's an addiction of mine - refinishing old things and making them new as well as making new things from old.
Well, I guess it's time for me to jump off of here - I have a craft room calling my name. sadly I need to dejunk it and say goodbye to some things (insert tears here). It will hurt, but I will be stronger for it!! Plus it makes room for new stuff... OOPS, did I type that?? HAHA
Take care everyone, keep on blogging and Happy Crafting...... ♥
*pics of my coffee can birdhouse! Notice the chickens??*