Why is it that when you are waiting for something, time seems to crawl - BUT if you don't want a certain time to get here it slams right into ya and is here before ya know it???
I watched my son erase our little "Christmas is _ days away board" andhe put an 8 on there this morning! Eight days!! I am not done shopping, crafting, and I still need to bake! Holy Moley - this year has flew by and right now I am feeling the dreaded Christmas stress. Yep, you all know - the "did I buy enough gifts", or "what if someone unexpected stops by?", or " Did I miss anyone when sending out the Christmas cards", and lastly "Where did all my money go??". Ughhh
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Christmas! I don't like that it's become so commercial, but we all fall victim to it each year. It's in our nature to want to give and sometimes we go broke doing it! I'm guilty of it, but I have slimmed the gifts down this year. So - good for me!
I did manage to get some pics of my decorated house and I will post them for everyone to see in a day or two. My hubby loves to decorate the Candy Cane Lane because of our house! That, to me, is why we do this! If it makes people happy and in the spirit of the season, then we are very happy!
I've been crafting my little heart out too. I really can't show you what I'm making right now, but I'll post pics after Christmas. "Spying eyes" may be checking out my blog and see the pics...lol
Anywho, enjoy the holidays and hopefully I will have enough time to post again soon!
Merry Christmas and Happy Crafting everyone!